I was super curious about Kim Kardashian’s Skims line, so I went ahead and bought some pieces to try out! Whenever I’m curious I buy whatever it is and try it! I have a good gauge on what is good and not good and I like to share my honest opinions about things with you babes.
I filmed a first impressions video about my first Skims purchase and shared it on Youtube. That video is focused on shapewear, so if you’re curious about her shapewear be sure to watch that video. My thoughts about her shapewear still hold true. I’m super impressed with her products, the design, quality and feel are pretty spectacular. I don’t wear her shapewear everyday, but I’m obsessed with Skims bras, underwear, and lounger wear. The video above is my second video about every piece Skims I own that I lobe and don’t lobe.
Long story short, Skims is definitely worth it. I don’t lobe EVERY piece, but I there are pieces I absolutely lobe and highly recommend. If you don’t want to watch my videos sharing more details, I shared my favorite pieces below. Trust me on this, she did a great job – I’ve become big fan of Kim’s line and I think you’ll lobe it too!