I fell in lobe with working out at home, when my Dad was in the midst of his cancer journey. Before that my favorite ‘me-time” was boxing, cycling, barre, and yoga sculpt classes, but taking those classes took a lot of my time, when my Dad needed full-time care. It took me 20-45 min to drive to a class, then an hour for the class, and 20-45 min to drive back home. It wasn’t a priority for me during my Dad’s last year. I randomly discovered Obe (thanks Instagram AI) & Peloton and I was the happiest. I was able to do my favorite workouts in the comfort of my own home without the stress of leaving my Dad alone. That was 2019, but then 2020 happened and working out at home was the only way we could workout. Whether you can only fit in a 15 min workout, you want a long restorative Yoga flow, or a workout that will push your limits, then you’ll LOBE all of these.
This is an amazing app! This is the first workout app that I fell in lobe with! I was able to get a full body workout in 28 minutes! That was unheard of for me, because I was used to 45 min – 60 min classes and insane driving time. I was able to fit HIIT, BARRE, or STRENGTH classes before Dad’s chemo and it was such a blessing. They’ve evolved the app so much since then. You can take 5-10 min classes as well as 45-60 min class. They even added classes for Children during the pandemic. It’s fun, upbeat, and gives me that studio class vibe at home. When you sign up you get a 7 day trial and your first month at a discounted price.
I’m talking about the the app!! So, I have a Peloton bike, because my Dad bought it for my Mom. I wish I could say it’s mine, but I feel fortunate I can use hers! The cycle bike is amazing, but if that’s not in budget their app is amazing too! You can buy a more affordable stationary bike and use the app, but there are amazing works too: strength, yoga, cardio, stretching and more! I also lobe that they offer varying times! From 10 – 60 min classes. When you sign up you get 30 days free to test out the class.
TWD (Train With Danny)
I discovered Danny through Instagram. At the beginning of the pandemic so many brands were doing 30 min live workout classes for free. I thought it was so cool, because you could train with the most amazing trainers. Danny was one of my favorites. He’s tough and a kick in the booty, but I felt so strong after his classes! He now does them through zoom, so be sure to check those out.
Tasha Fraken
I randomly discovered Tasha through IG and a the Kenzie Burke podcast! She was doing 20-30 min IGTV videos and they were so doable. Her focus is more Pilates and Yoga and I highly recommend you bringing those workouts into rotation. Especially, if you’re cycle syncing your workouts with your period! I’ll be sure to talk about cycling syncing in another blog post!! She now has a website where she streams her classes, so I just signed up! Be sure to follow me on IG to hear my thoughts about her studio classes. When you sign up, you get 7 days free and then it’s $19.99 after that! Not too bad, when I used to spend $20 a class in studio.