
Bone Broth For Acne & Cancer


I learned about the benefits of Bone Broth, when I was struggling with acne. I’d never dealt with acne in my teen years and in my 20s acne came out of nowhere. I’d get painful and irritated acne on my cheeks that I’d pick at, because I wanted them gone. I figured once it’s popped it’s go away, but it doesn’t work like that. I’d buy a random assortment of products that I thought would help, but then just irritate me more, because I have sensitive skin. Then I visited dermatologists who prescribed me expensive products and antibiotics, that didn’t help either. 

I randomly decided to visit a Naturopath and learned my acne was triggered by food intolerances. We’re all made up of different cells and DNA, so there are many ways acne can be triggered. I got my allergies tested and the naturopath suggested an anti-inflammatory diet. Simply, eating food that won’t trigger inflammation in my body. For me that was saying bye bye to Gluten, Dairy, Eggs, Soy and Wheat. I used to love eating scrambled eggs and sourdough toast every breakfast, but had to find alternatives ways to get a good source of protein and that wouldn’t irritate my skin. I make a plant based protein smoothie, but I find myself more energized with something warm in the morning and made with animal protein.

Then I discovered bone broths. They’re nutrient-dense, easy to make and to consume (love drinking it out of a coffee mug), and super healthy to the body. Boiling bones sounds odd, but bones and ligaments releases collagen, magnesium, phosphorus, and other amino acids that reduce inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain. They’re an amazing source of protein super healing for those with leaky gut, especially for those dealing with Cancer. I learned it was a great breakfast alternative for me and helpful in reducing the  inflammation in my body. Since I couldn’t eat chicken I opted for turkey and beef broths.

It’s crazy that a lot of health issues are a result of the foods we eat and the health of our gut, so it’s important to eat foods that nurture, heal, and help our immune system. My skin cleared up as I changed my diet and found alternative foods to eat. So many of us don’t know that the food we eat can cause issues – toast and eggs were my easy go to for any meal. I loved it, but learned it wasn’t good for me. When I opted for bone broths, I noticed I felt energized and less bloated. My skin wasn’t as irritated or inflammed and I loved that I didn’t feel sluggish in the morning. I also learned it was a great snack if I was running out of the house and didn’t eat a solid meal. Protein is important to keeping you energized and the broth is super easy to make. Sometimes I’ll make broth and I’ll freeze it for the follow week, but many markets and health food stores sell pre-packed bone broth that you can easily warm up. Be aware that broth and bone broth are a bit different.

As I shared I also discovered bone broth is great for those battling cancer. The gelatin in the bone broth is a great digestive aid and when you’re going through chemo treatments digesting food, let alone eating food becomes a challenge. And, the medications prescribed to help with digestion don’t really help the immune system either. Its a vicious cycle of pain, pills, and no food. One day I randomly decided to make my Dad bone broth when he really started to have trouble eating.

My Dad’s old school (82 years young) and hispanic, so our tastes for food are totally different. He loves heavy Mexican food, a classic chili dog, and steak, but all of that food is really hard for the body. Those foods trigger acid reflex and his chemo really triggered his acid re-flex, so I had to figure out how to make a soup with flavor without any irritation. I decided to make a chicken broth with veggies. I boiled chicken legs, celery, and carrots, then added Knorr seasoning.  Not his typical meal, but it worked. Knorr is bullion, which is a seasoning, you can add to any meal to instantly add flavor. It’s a hispanic thing to me, because my Mom always used Knorr seasoning in our favorite Mexican dishes, so I knew the familiar flavor would comfort my Dad.  The broth came out super clean (not greasy) and super flavorful and my Dad was able to eat/drink it without any issues. I got excited because I found out Knorr came out with a select bullion that is made with natural chicken stock and contains zero artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or added MSG, so that made me excited that our bone broth could be extra healthy and clean. 

It made me feel good, because chemo kills the immune system and bone broth is immune boosting, so I loved being able to help him get nutrients he needs. I love that something that helped keep my acne acne at bay actually aided my Dad through this cancer journey. Food is really powerful and super important, so it baffles me that we don’t take the time to be conscious of what we’re eating and that we’re not educated on how food plays a big role in our heath.

p.s. There are so many ways you can make broth. You can make with beef bones, chicken, fish, even just vegetables. So, if you’re looking for something healthy, full of nutrients, then I totally recommend bone broth.

p.s.s Shout out to Kroger Grocer & Knorr for sponsoring an Instagram post, so I could share this with ya’ll. The post is in honor of Mexican Heritage month, so I got to share this in honor of that!