Don’t Be Reckless

One of my favorite quotes is by Mary Schmich, “Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.” It’s a quote that I didn’t quite understand in my early 20s, but have really grasped with age. Granted I’m a wee 27 (28 is coming in a few weeks), but it’s advice I’m so passionate about lately and had to share.
So, why do I love that quote?
Well… have you ever liked some one so much, but any interaction you try seems forced? You wish to receive a text from that person, but nothing. You come up with something random to text them, they don’t respond or respond with an LOL. Maybe you want to hangout or meet for dinner, but they’re not planning anything with you, so you think of a group thing to make it easier? Ultimately, you want some sort of interaction from them, but every interaction is an obstacle – it’s all forced.

I’ve experienced that plenty of times. Almost every guy I liked hasn’t liked me as much as I liked them. Most interactions were forced. It sucks, but as you get older you get better at brushing it off your shoulder and not caring. It’s true. I’m sensitive and my Venus sign is in Pisces, so I’m a total hopeless romantic. I’m strong in so many other ways, but when it comes to relationships and love, I’m mush and overthink it all. I’ve gotten better at understanding the universe has a process. You can’t over think it and God has a plan, so you can’t take it personal! Trust me I’ve learned. I recently gave all control to God and the Universe with what is in store for love life and it feels good.
When relationships don’t work, I’ve had to teach myself that the universe/God is protecting me from something I don’t need – not always easy. Time has showed me that it didn’t work out for good reason. Time also showed me, I allowed others to be reckless with my heart. I wanted an ounce of attention from the person I liked, so I accepted whatever I got. That’s no bueno. When someone is not into you and you’re trying hard to get their attention, you allow them to treat you in any way. You accept the ounce of attention, but honey, we deserve more. We deserve love and attention that is mutual and 100% on both parts. If it isn’t… you gotta shrug it off and say goodbye.

Wrangler x UO White Jeans , Verge Girl Wrap Top, Steve Madden Snake Skin Booties, Le Specs x Adam Selman Sunglasses, Earrings (similar), Eye Glitter by Lemon.Head
We all also deserve honesty. And, to surround ourselves around others that respect us. Also, those that are careful with our hearts. It’s not easy to do, but the right thing is always the hardest.
If you’re not into your significant other, you need to let them know. We’re all growing and evolving, so it’s normal to fall out of love. But, you need to be honest about your feelings. The truth hurts, but it’s good for everyone. It shows respect.
I got inspird to write this blog post after listening to Cardi B’s song Be Careful and because I had two male friends reach out to me in a flirty way. They’re friends of mine, but were too flirty for my comfort. I find it funny, because one would think my loyalty would be to my so called male friends, but my loyalty is to females – their so-called girlfriends. I went to all ALL GIRL high school, so I have mad respect for females. I’d be crushed if my boyfriend spoke to other girls like they did to me. I’m not seeking attention from a male, so I had no problem reminding them about their girlfriends and how inappropriate it is to be talking to me like that. This is a prime example of being reckless with others hearts. If you’re not into whoever you’re dating, please do them a favor and let them know. Don’t force being with some either, because you’re lonely or feel bad for the person. That’s being reckless.

It’s not fair to seek attention from other females, because your relationship isn’t working. And, it’s not fair to seek attention from another male if you’re in a relationship or know they are in a relationship. Deep down we’re all fragile, life is short, so we need to be careful. In the the long run, being honest hurts, but it’s best for us. For each of our hearts, because lies and meddling with others hurts more.
In case you need any more of a reminder of that, listen to Cardi B’s Be Careful:
“Be careful with me, do you know what you doin’?
Whose feelings that you’re hurtin’ and bruisin‘?
You gon’ gain the whole world
But is it worth the girl that you’re losin’?
Be careful with me
Yeah, it’s not a threat, it’s a warnin’
Be careful with me
Yeah, my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it
Be careful with me”

It’s not fair to seek attention from other females, because your relationship isn’t working. And, it’s not fair to seek attention from another male if you’re in a relationship or know they are in a relationship. Deep down we’re all fragile, life is short, so we need to be careful. In the the long run, being honest hurts, but it’s best for us. For each of our hearts, because lies and meddling with others hurts more.
In case you need any more of a reminder of that, listen to Cardi B’s Be Careful:
“Be careful with me, do you know what you doin’?
Whose feelings that you’re hurtin’ and bruisin‘?
You gon’ gain the whole world
But is it worth the girl that you’re losin’?
Be careful with me
Yeah, it’s not a threat, it’s a warnin’
Be careful with me
Yeah, my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it
Be careful with me”